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Sale Price:$455.00 Original Price:$650.00


A bold new design from Collins Watch Company, SONAR represents the meeting of sound waves and the seas. Inspired by the technology that has kept submarines on course for over 100 years, SONAR brings a completely new style to the Collins lineup. Featuring 300-meter water resistance, sapphire crystal, refined brushed and polished finishes, and the Swiss-made Sellita SW200 movement, SONAR is nothing short of a true luxury dive watch. With a diameter of 39.5mm and thickness of just 12mm, SONAR will provide a sleek and stylish fit. Initial production limited to just 20 units of each variant. Reserve yours while supplies last.

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Movement: Sellita SW200 Swiss-made Automatic Movement - Regulated in six positions
Crystal: Raised flat sapphire
Water Resistance: 30ATM (300M)
Lume: Super-LumiNova BGW9 (white in daylight / blue-green glow in the dark)
Dial: Blue (Pantone 2767 C) with applied polished indices
Hands: Diamond-cut polished steel
Case: 316L Stainless Steel
Case Finishing: Brushed and polished surfaces
Bezel: 120-click unidirectional aluminum rotating bezel
Crown: Screw-down / Polished and decorated with the Collins “C”
Dimensions: 39.5mm Diameter / 47.5mm Lug-to-Lug / 12mm Thickness / 20mm Lugs
Case Back: Engraved screw-down (featuring limited-edition print for the first 20 units of each variant)
Bracelet: Collins custom brushed and polished 316L stainless steel bracelet / 20mm tapering to 18mm
Warranty: 1 Year
Return Policy: 30 Days
Assembled, tested, and tuned in the USA