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Please purchase your prescription here ($75):

What does all this mean?

Sphere, Cylinder, and Axis are simply measurements which describe the shape of your eye. At the end of the day, it's just basic geometry! If parts of your eyes are even slightly off, blurred vision can result. Knowing the exact shape of your eye, our lab can cut your lenses to properly correct your vision.

PD: This stands for "pupillary distance," which is simply the distance between the center of your left eye and the center of your right eye. This number helps our lab further adjust your lenses to your face. Sometimes prescriptions do not list the PD measurement. If this is the case, please mention it in the "special requests" section and we'll reach out to you with more information.

OD / OS: Your prescription may say "OD" and "OS" on it. This is just latin for "right eye" and "left eye." Oculus Dexter = Right Eye. Oculus Sinister = Left Eye.